Independent Farmer

10 UK farm instagram accounts you should follow…

Here’s our favourite 10 UK farm instagram accounts and why we love them…

1. Benjamin Hole (@benjaminhole)

Instagram Bio: The Ebb and Flow of Farming life. The Isle of Purbeck, England. (This is a gorgeous instagram bio – take notes!)

We love: the way Ben captures the characters (his animal colleagues) and tells the story of life on the family farm – all with the stunning Dorset coast as a backdrop – no wonder he has an instagram following of 112,000 people! If I wanted this kind of following on Insta, I’d definitely need more than a few free instagram followers to help me out.

Waiting at the barn gate

A photo posted by Ben Hole (@benjaminhole) on

2. Nicky Baker (@therunningshepherdess)

Instagram Bio: Shepherdess Trail runner. Isle of Purbeck Dorset UK

We love: the perfectly captioned livestock picture – Nicky also happens to be a neighbour to Ben so lots of stunning Dorset scenery too

Keeping her feet dry. A photo posted by nicky baker (@therunningshepherdess) on

3. Janet McQuistin (@Airyolland)

Instagram Bio: Farming in South West Scotland. iPhone pics

We love: the Longhorn cattle, Beltex rams and beautiful landscape

4. Annette (@pinkrumba)

Instagram Bio: “The poetry of earth is never dead” John Keats. Member of rsa_nature, rsa_trees_ rural_love, rsa_rural_ and lonely_tree_love.

We love: the stunning rural imagery with inspirational quotes

Frosted glow… (17/1/15) A photo posted by Annette (@pinkrumba) on

5. @Hilltopfarmgirl

Instagram Bio: Hill farm in the Yorkshire Dales National Park, England. Belted Galloway cattle, Swale/Leicester/Mule/Wensleydale sheep, farm life, holiday cottage.

We love: amazing pictures of her Swaledale flock and Belted Galloway cattle in the beautiful setting of the Yorkshire Dales

6. Richard (@goprofarmer)

Instagram Bio – Compressing my Life in the sticks in the north of England through a GoPro in to 15 second bursts. Being a hero

We love: the unique and amusing stop motion videos of life on a working farm

7. Nathan Atkinson (@njatkinson1)

Instagram Bio: 22 year old, living on a small farm in the English Lake District

We love: the Longhorn cattle, pigs, chickens and Lake District scenary

Our hens weren’t so keen on coming out this morning.. #hens #farm #farming #frosty A photo posted by Nathan Atkinson (@njatkinson1) on

8. Jef (@Jefinuist)

Instagram Bio: French man living in the Hebrides

We love: the Highland cattle and amazing skies

Life in the croft… Coos matter. A photo posted by Jef (@jefinuist) on

9. Morag (@momag93)

Instagram Bio: – Twenty one, Isle of Colonsay. I love sheep a little too much

We love: the variety of livestock, impressive blackfaced rams and incredible ‘out of this world’ Island scenery.

10 Sue Hole (@harpstone)

Instagram Bio: The Hole’s family farm on the south coast of England. The harder you work, the luckier you are – funny that

We love: these little piglets and the lambing shed picture with luxury caravan (genius)…

Welcome to the farm little fellas

A photo posted by Sue Hole ?? (@harpstone) on

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